Innovate, empower and create prosperity for Buganda Kingdom.
To create Value from the Kingdoms vast resources.
Buganda Kuntiko
Buganda Investments & Commercial Undertakings Limited
Buganda Investments and Commercial Undertakings Limited (BICUL) aims at generating revenue from engagement in viable appropriate investment and commercial undertakings for financing or co-financing of Buganda’s economic, social and cultural developmental programs.
BICUL takes up its core role of a holding company of the Kingdom that own stake in various companies involved in production of goods & services and preservation of culture for the benefit of the Kingdom.
Core Mandate
- To source, assess and use financial engineering to invest in various industries by leveraging the Kingdom resources and brand.
- To seek joint venture partners and equity investors for specific projects and activities through the establishment of special purpose vehicles.
- To allocate both financial capital and human resources effectively to ensure that the Kingdom maximizes its value.
- To concentrate in BICUL the power of management and the activity of adding high value.
- To leverage the selection of the Boards and executive representatives of the subsidiary companies which are under its dependence and control.
- To ensure that the investments provide adequate contribution to the Kingdom’s resource envelope.
- To adjust the Kingdom’s equity exposure to such companies based on their assessment of whether they are able to meet centrally defined operational and financial targets.
- Wealth creation – The Kingdom will build assets through careful investments that will maximize returns for the Kingdom.
- Accountable and transparent leadership – The Kingdom will act collectively with a strong sense of shared responsibility and mutual accountability.
- Innovation – The Kingdom will turn challenges into opportunities and leverage on its rich endowment to maximize its income generating potential.
- Partnership – The Kingdom believes in a common destiny for its subjects, and to succeed BICUL will work with everyone in the human family.
- Hope and resilience – Our forefathers never failed Buganda, thus BICUL will provide hope and aim to make a better Buganda for the posterity.
Buganda Kuntiko
Our Partners
Some of Our Current Partners